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Philo Judaeus by Filon. Antiquaria Bok & Bildantikvariat AB

Chr.12, die durch Philons Gegen Flaccus bzw. die Ge- καὶ τρόπον τινὰ γεγενημένη πρὸς Ἰουδαίους ἀπέχθεια, wie Philo ihn umschreibt, wird wenn irgend. "Flaccus" by Philo (translated by Charles Duke Yonge). Published by Good Press .

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From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. In Flaccum und die Legatio ad Gaium sind Versuche, den romischen Prafekten in .i\gypten und den Kaiser in Rom zu warnen. Sie werden wie Flaccus oder Philo's Flaccus: The First Pogrom (Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series (Society of Biblical Literature), V. 2.) (9781589831889): Pieter Willem  8. Philo claims that the demonstration disturbed Flaccus' equanimity (In Flaccum 29–32) which possibly increased his dislike or distrust of the Jewish community. 27 Mar 2007 Volume One was by David T. Runia, Philo's On the Creation of the Cosmos According to Moses.

Horst, Pieter Willem van der. (författare) Verk som ingår i eller hör samman med denna titel.

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Philo himself says (§ 3) that he filled his office peacefully and uprightly, surpassing all his predecessors. Aulus Avillius Flaccus († 39 n.Chr.) was een Romeins politicus die behoorde tot de stand van de equites.Van 32 na Chr. tot kort voor 20 oktober 38 was hij Praefectus Alexandreae et Aegypti, toentertijd het hoogste ambt dat iemand uit de equites kon bereiken.

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Magrr CARL MAGNUS JOACHIM PETRELLI, Philos. peutriderna, Judarnes förföljelse under Flaccus och Legationen till Cajus Caligula  Horatius Flaccus (Quintus) [Opera], edited by Gilbert Wakefield, 2 · Visa budUtrop 1,211 SEK 287 B.C.), Philo Judaeus (ca. 30 B.C. - 45 A.D.), Alexander.

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By Philip R. Bosman. Book Emotional Trauma in Greece and Rome. Click here to navigate to parent product. Edition 1st Edition.
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I. (1) Flaccus Avillius succeeded Sejanus in his hatred of and hostile designs against the Jewish nation.

Philo stated that Flaccus, the Roman governor over Alexandria, allowed a group of people to construct statues of the emperor Caius Caligula in Jewish synagogues of Alexandria which was an unprecedented provocation.
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Philo Judaeus om Essaerne, Therapeuterne och - Bokbörsen

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David T. Runia, Philo of Alexandria On the Creation of the Cosmos according to Moses: Translation and Commentary. A certain date known from his life comes from his account of the great pogrom in Alexandria which started in AD 38 under the prefect Flaccus, during the reign of the Roman emperor Gaius Caligula. Philo was then chosen to head a delegation (On the Embassy to Gaius 370) sent in AD 39/40 by the Jewish community to Gaius Caligula in Rome. The philosopher Philo, born about 20 BCE to a prominent Jewish family in Alexandria, was trained in Greek as well as Jewish learning. In attempting to reconcile biblical teachings with Greek philosophy he developed ideas that had wide influence on Christian and Jewish religious thought.

This is followed by a new English translation of the Greek text. Flaccus been put to death he completely lost any hope that he still had and could no longer keep any grip of affairs, so utterly enfeebled was he and incapable of solid judgement. And when the ruler despairs of 17 keeping control the subjects necessarily at once become restive, particularly those who are naturally excited by quite small and ordinary occurrences. See also Maren Niehoff’s discussion about Philo’s relationship with Greeks and Greek culture, in Philo on Jewish Identity and Culture, TSAJ 86 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2001), 137–58. 7 For a detailed discussion of Aulus Avilius Flaccus, see van der Horst, Philo’s Flaccus, 34–38.