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Join our Minecraft server: mc.polcompball.xyz. Polcompball +Polcompball Guildmasters 4. Members 55. Guild details Moderation log. Political circles. Founded.

24. 18. Featured post NEW If you do not know which flag to use to represent an ideology, refer to The Polcompball wiki , where ideologies without flags in real life have their turn to shine.

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Aug 4, 2020 - Explore WuTang_War_Whistle's board "Political Compass" on Pinterest. See more ideas about politics, compass, political memes. Political Compass Uploaded by KYM Collector Bot Comments (0) There are no comments currently available. Display Comments.


It was obviously reductive and worthless but it was still used.

Polcompball political compass

1 Political Organization 2 Economic Organization 3 Support for our military, troops, country, and flag, should not be subject to political debate. "Patriarchy" as the left refers to it is really a desirable trait. It’s perfectly OK for individuals to define their own roles and identities without regard to gender expectations. The Political Compass is a website which uses responses to a set of 62 propositions to rate political ideology in a political spectrum with two axes: economic (left–right) and social (authoritarian–libertarian).
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53.4k members in the Polcompball community. Like Polandball, but with politics. As this server uses the name "political compass ball" and is connected with the polcompball community this extends beyond an individual player's choice to play or not.

The Server is now gone. The PBA Stereotypes Political Compass [SocNat] Indiaball 06/30/20 . 14.
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Political Compass is Pseudoscienceism is a common argument, mainly used by scientific centrists and scientific liberals that claims political compass is a pseudoscience, due to its innacuracy, arbritarity and several other issues. 769 votes, 142 comments. 53.4k members in the Polcompball community. Like Polandball, but with politics. As this server uses the name "political compass ball" and is connected with the polcompball community this extends beyond an individual player's choice to play or not.

Nazbol Political Compass - Ludo Stor Gallery from 2021

Hive-Mind Collectivism. 1 year ago. Archived. If you do not know which flag to use to represent an ideology, refer to The Polcompball wiki , where ideologies without flags in real life have their turn to shine. Our discord is: https://discord.gg/KVB2QPH. Join our Minecraft server: mc.polcompball.xyz. The Off-Compass Political Compass was created by Reddit user u/Atzyn, and was posted on r/newwackyideologies and r/PolcompballAnarchy.

Political Compass Globalism aka PolCompWorld or PolcompGlob is an off-compass anti-centrist ideology that advocates all idelogies inside, and sometimes outside, the political compass should have a piece of land to be practiced, it believes there's no correct political ideology so therefore all should be applied, it dreams with a world where people can go live under whatever system they want to so everyone can be happy with their lifes. 2.1k votes, 264 comments. 53.6k members in the Polcompball community. Like Polandball, but with politics. Sad Political Compass Oblique Squareism is an ideology that advocates for the political compass to be turned over 45 degrees, to become more "accurate".